Industry We Work On !

We are focusing at Education, Manufacturing, Infrastructure, Supply and Trading, and Aviation as a priority sector.


Due to numerous challenges, the youths who do not have adequate access to education, training and employment are the nation's major concerns. As part of corporate social responsibility, Aim Vision Limited is committed to develop projects to train young people skilled and semi-skilled jobs and generate employment opportunities in Bangladesh and beyond.


To meet sustainable development goal under Vision 2041, the Government of Bangladesh has undertaken mega projects to develop infrastructure throughout the entire country. Aim Vision Limited is focused to engage in these development projects in collaboration with the foreign investors.

Defence & Security

Aim Vision Limited is also focused to engage in the Forces Modernization Program under Forces Goal 2030. Again, Bangladesh envisions to be a developed country by 2041, which means Bangladesh Armed Forces to achieve sustainable development in the defense sector.

Supply & Trading

The gradual increasing demand of consumer products in Bangladesh also offers new opportunities. Aim Vision Limited is also engaged to exploring such business opportunities in Bangladesh and beyond in collaboration with the foreign investors.


Demographic dividends, government’s policy and regulatory support, cheapest labor costs, has made Bangladesh a land of opportunities, where Bangladesh will become the 11th largest consumer economy by 2030, and 25th largest economy by 2050. To explore opportunities from this prevailing environment, Aim Vision Limited is committed to make joint venture manufacturing industries with the foreign investors.

Aviation Service

Bangladesh's aviation markets grew at a 50% faster rate than most other countries in the last ten years, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9% compared to the rest of the world's (6%). As such, we are focused to explore opportunities in aviation service.