The company also has 1 listed company in Dhaka Stock Exchange and Chittagong Stock Exchange. Its concern Shasha Denims Ltd has also won National Export Trophy (Gold) for three consecutive years (2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14). The Group currently employees more than 5000 people and has an annual export of $150 million and Turnover of $200 million.


Shasha Denims Limited is 100% export-oriented denim producer, producing 28 million yards of Denim per Year. The company is listed in both Dhaka Stock Exchange and Chittagong Stock Exchange and has won National Export Trophy multiple times.

SHASHA Textile

Shasha Textile Limited is a Textile mill under development at Trishal, Mymensingh. The factory is to be developed on 100 acres of land and aim to double the group fabric producing capability.

SHASHA Garments

Shasha Garments limited is a 100% export orient garment factory currently producing 360,000 pieces of garment per month. The firm currently has 8 fully operational lines and 2 lines on demand. It is looking for additional lines to increase its capacity up to 432,000 pieces per month

ENERGIES Power Corporation

Energis Power Corporation is an independent power producer based in Bangladesh. The Firm currently owns and HFO based 55 MW (+/- 10%) power plant located in Chittagong.

EOS Textile Mills Limited

EOS Textile Mills Limited is a joint venture between Shasha Denims Ltd and EOS Textile of Italy. The mill produced 1 million to 1.2 million yard per month and supplying to all major retailers in Europe and North America.

FlyDhaka Airlines Limited

FlyDhaka Airlines Limited is a Domestic Airlines in Bangladesh which plan to start domestic operation by 2023 and international operation by 2024.

Major Clients of SHASHA